Do you know your unique mind-body constitution? Take the Quiz Now 

Holistic Healing for Women

Align Mind, Body & Heart To Unleash Your Fullest Expression 

My methodology uses a wide range of healing modalities such as movement, self-inquiry, meditation, nature walks, and mindfulness practices to provide you with your own holistic healing toolbox that will support you on your journey back to your most authentic Self and Divine Essence.


Healing from the inside out 

My coaching practice integrates the ancient healing system of Ayurveda to assess, address and adjust lifestyle, diet, self-care practices and restore balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment. Ayurveda is a traditional wellness modality focusing on the prevention of disease and maintenance of health and offers time-tested principles for caring for your own unique mind and body type. As part of our conversations, we will also work on the inner changes (attitudes, beliefs, mindsets) and outer changes (structures, schedules and routines) necessary for building long-lasting positive habits.

Your Healing Journey Begins with One Decision

Clarify – Set your intention and get clear on what it is that you want

Commit – Make an agreement with yourself that you will show up consistently, no matter what

Discover – Uncover liming beliefs, fears and insecurities that have been hindering your growth

Identify – Behavioral patterns and unprocessed emotions that keep you in a vicious self-sabotaging cycle

Assess – Honestly assess the relationship you have with your body, with life and with others 

Connect – Get in tuned with your body and heart and learn to listen to its messages 

Align – Take inspired-action by aligning thoughts, words and actions with your highest Self


Complimentary Discovery Session

The first step to a healthier and more vibrant Self is getting clear on where you are now and where you would like to be.

During a 30 minute discovery session, we’ll take the time to explore your wellness and lifestyle goals, and choose the best course of action for you.

Ready to take ownership of your health and wellbeing? Book your complimentary 30 minute discovery call with me now!

Women Empowerment Mentorship Private Sessions

In this mentorship program, we will work on healing the wounded expressions of our masculine and feminine energies in order to come back to wholeness. 
This is a deep process of alchemy – transforming our pain into our power, honoring our truth and choosing to live a heart-centered life, aligning ourselves with what makes you come alive.
I combine powerful questions, embodied healing practices, visualization, intuitive guidance, and Nature to create a space that allows for deeper connection and insight into your truth.

Ayurvedic Holistic Healing Private Consultation

Through a deep and revealing 90min ayurvedic consultation will provide you with powerful self-knowledge on your dosha (unique mind-body constitution), as well as where you are currently experiencing imbalances. 

You will be given a comprehensive wellness guide that may include diet, lifestyle and herbal remedy recommendations, aromatherapy, holistic bodywork, yoga therapy, pranayama (breathwork) amongst others.

Armed with simple yet effective self-care practices, you will restore balance & harmony into your mind, body and spirit so that you can connect deeper with your true authentic essence.



I work with ambitious, hard working and driven women who:

  • Feel exhausted and burned out 
  • Have trouble asking for help 
  • Are not familiar with the concept of rest & recovery
  • Struggle to maintain a consistent self-care practice 
  • Are living in their mind and disconnected from their body
  • Feel guilty when they are taking time for themselves 
  • Seem to not be able to stop, rushing from one thing to the next 
  • Believe that they are here for a bigger purpose 
  • Find it easier to give than to receive 
  • Are uncomfortable with intimacy and touch 
  • Let their emotions take control of them 
  • Addressing you as a whole Being: mind, body and soul
  • Creating a safe space where you can feel seen and heard
  • Challenging the model of your reality through powerful questions
  • Deep listening and respect of confidentiality
  • Gentle accountability and support 
  • Unmasking hidden fears and limiting beliefs and behaviors
  • Reconnecting to your heart, truth, values, deepest desires
  • Emotional embodiment, processing and release
  • Practicing loving kindness 
  • Cultivating self-confidence and trust 
  • Higher energy, motivation and sense of purpose 
  • Deepened connection to your values 
  • Better emotional resiliency 
  • Clarity on your heart’s deepest desire
  • Increased confidence and self-trust when making decisions
  • Developing an empowering mindset
  • More self-aware and connected with your body 
  • Developing healthy habits and a sustainable self-care practice 

My aim is to provide quality wellness coaching packages that are accessible. If you need financial assistance, please contact me directly at

This is still a work in progress and is in my plans for 2024!

I do however offer the option of replacing a coaching conversation with a yoga flow at no extra cost, or adding in a 1hr private yoga class for $30.

I would encourage you to stay up to date on any updates to my offerings by signing up to my newsletter!

Yes! For now, I incorporate meditation and certain breathing techniques into my coaching conversations where appropriate.

As part of a yoga flow, I always add in a grounding meditation and breathing practice. 

Short answer: The Knowledge of Life.

Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. 

Goals of treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life.

Knowledge of Ayurveda enables one to understand how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution (“dosha”) and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance. 



I offer online and in person (in Ottawa Canada) wellness workshops. Sign up for my newsletter to stay informed for upcoming workshops!


This is still a work in progress. I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date with my offerings and upcoming events!

Subscribe to Sophia’s Soulful Sharings Newsletter and get a FREE guide to gain powerful self-knowledge on a Mind, Body and Soul level. 

Your Journey Home To Your Authentic Self Starts Here.