Do you know your unique mind-body constitution? Take the Quiz Now 

Hello there Beautiful!

Welcome to my Sacred Space

My name is Sophia Wood Massicotte, I am a certified Life coach, Yoga teacher and Ayurveda Practitioner

I am excited to share with you this magical container called The Art of Being Well, which allows me the space to live out my core values: Creativity, Connection, Community and Growth. 

My passion lies within the realm of holistic wellness, stemming from my fascination with the power of Nature, food as medicine, the complexities of the human mind and wisdom of our body. 

Just like you, I’ve gone through life’s ups and downs. I’ve fallen down and have seen myself rise back up. And it fascinates me the capabilities we as human beings have for causing ourselves so much pain and suffering, and also our ability to rise back up, open our hearts and experience elevated states of consciousness. 

Probably the most important lesson I’ve learned is to never allow my own peace, joy or love rest in the hands of something or someone outside of me. Too often do we outsource our sense of happiness, when the truth is, we all have access to it within us.

Your peace, love and joy comes from within. 

You are the medicine you seek. 

Stemming from my own suffering and pain and having seen myself through, I have decided to dedicate my life’s mission to empower and inspire women to awaken to their truth & power and create a life that feels fulfilling and authentic. 

It all boils down to your attitude and commitment. 

Are you willing to do some deep work? Are you willing to dive into your shadows and shine the light of consciousness? Are you committed to your growth? Do you believe in your own health & wellbeing? 

When we choose to journey inward, this takes a huge amount of courage. It’s not for the faint hearted. You will be faced with your fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs and sabotaging behavioral patterns. 

And by cultivating the right mindset, connection with your heart and safety in your body, you will see yourself through. 

If you choose to work with me, my commitment to you is that I will be with you every step of the way as you embark on your Journey Home. It can be a rough ride and very isolating as you begin stepping into your power, living your truth and aligning yourself with the fullest expression of your Being. 

It’s not about trying to be perfect. It’s about being more of YOU, and sharing that Light so that the world can benefit 

And I am here for you every step of the way: From your first “aha” moment, to the obstacles and struggles you will inevitably face, to the small celebratory milestones along the way, to the moment you realize that you no longer need me by your side.

All you have ever needed is to feel and see yourself in wholeness, and love every single piece of yourself as the beautiful masterpiece that you are. 

When you heal and begin showing up as your most authentic and vibrant self, the world around you begins to heal. 

You already have everything you need within you. 

I’m here to act as your lighthouse and guide as you journey home with an open your mind and heart and awaken to the endless possibilities you have to walk in this world as the most authentic and vibrant version of yourself. 

So if you are ready to take ownership of your own peace, joy and wellbeing, you are in the right place.

The world is awaiting your return. 

Read more about my story on my profile page on Brainz Magazine 


& Philosophy

The backbone of my offerings – coaching conversations, yoga classes and workshops – are based on Ayurveda’s holistic system of health.

This ancient healing science incorporates the laws of Nature to improve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being through practices that are both preventive and curative. 

Each one of us has a specific mind/body type that requires certain kinds of care.

Ayurveda addresses and approaches healing as a personal endeavor by honoring your unique mind-body constitution as well as the natural cycles & rhythms of nature. 

There are two simple rules that Ayurveda proposes in order to live in balance and come back to your natural essence: Opposites balance and like increases like. 

The guidelines of Ayurveda are meant to help us make informed decisions about our lives and to empower our choices. From the food we eat, to the amount of quality rest we get, to the way we choose to spend our energy, the practice of Ayurveda is not meant to be dogmatic or create any sense of strain. Rather, its point is to provide us with sustainable personalized life habits that will help us remain happy and healthy.


Tool & Resources

The main tools and resources I use to facilitate a transformative inner experience include: 

  • Deep conversation & contemplation
  • Guided visualizations and meditations
  • Ayurvedic practices based on your dosha
  • Freedom movement/dance
  • Yoga flows
  • Breathwork
  • Ceremonies/rituals
The backbone of my solutions are a constructed on the basis to CONNECTION, SELF-AWARENESS, COMPASSION, INTEGRITY.
Through tools such as contemplation, self-inquiry, visualization, movement and meditation, I will help facilitate and guide you on your inner journey to reconnect you with the feeling of love, peace and joy. 
You become your own medicine. 
You become empowered by choice: What medicine to use, when, how and in what quantity. 


**Please note that these healing modalities are a support to awaken your own innate ability to heal and not a substitute for medical assistance. Please seek support from your doctor for serious conditions. The resources I will share are, however, a wonderful support alongside western medicine.


“We are essentially merging both Sky & Earth Energies, and accessing our their wisdom through our Heart & Body.”

Your Journey Starts Today

For general inquiries and questions, feel free to drop me a message by filling out the contact form below.

Meditate With Me On Insight Timer

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Your Journey Home To Your Authentic Self Starts Here.