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6-Week Holistic Renewal

Preparing your Mind, Body and Soul for Vibrant Health

 In this 6-week program will be going through practices and principles to cleanse our body, reprogram our mind, release energetic blockages and open up to our Soul’s calling. 
We will then align our thoughts, words and behaviors to match the vibration of the person we are becoming and the dreams we wish to bring to life.

Throughout our time together you will go through a process of shedding old ways of being to make room for a more empowered and aligned version of yourself.

Clarify your Intention, Address your Mindset, Energize your Body and Tune into your Heart. 

When we choose to live an intentional and conscious life, we realize that the power has always laid in our hands through our choices.
This journey is about addressing & clearing mental, physical and emotional blockages that prevent you from a life filled with love, joy and vitality.

Location & Dates

Manor Park Community Council: Sundays from 9-10h30am. 

April 14, 21, 28; May 5, 12 19

Program Breakdown

Week 1 – Clear Intention 

Set your intention for your health and lifestyle goals, clarify your values and anchor into your “why” and purpose.

Week 2 – Mindset Reprogramming

Support a restful & alert mind through mindfulness practices and cultivating empowering thoughts and beliefs.

Week 3 – Body Cleanse

Incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine to support your body’s optimal functioning (diet, sleep, rest, movement).

Week 4 – Emotional Mastery

Learn to work with your emotions in such a way that they bring you more wisdom, more insight and a wider array of choices for how to respond.

Week 5 – Soulful Connection

Connect with your Heart to access creativity, intuition, wisdom and guidance to help you make decisions that are aligned with your Truth and Higher Self.

Week 6 – Integral Alignment

Aligning thoughts, emotions, and behaviors into your daily life to take inspired actions, aligned with your heart and Soul’s expansion.

What will be included

> Support group of inspired and motivated individuals

> Topic presentation & discussions

> Journaling & reflection 

> Meditation, breathing practices, movement

> 5 digital mini workbooks with course material & resources

> 1 complimentary 45min 1:1 coaching call 

Let this be your Holistic Redefinition of your Life’s Narrative.

What you will gain

>Increased body awareness

>Empowering mindset 

>A sense of purpose and meaning

>Better understanding of your emotions 

>Tools to manage stress and uncertainty

>Greater self-belief and trust


This coaching container is tailored for those who are ready to embark on a profound inner awakening.

It beckons those who aspire to step into a new reality—one where they feel alive to their body, clear in their mind, stable in their emotions, and connected with their Heart. 

**Not sure if this program is right for you? Contact me here with your questions and concerns and I’ll get back to you in 48hrs!

Ready to dive into your whole Being?

Register through the Manor Park Community Council (1805 rue gaspé) in Ottawa, Ontario.

Subscribe to Sophia’s Soulful Sharings Newsletter and get a FREE guide to gain powerful self-knowledge on a Mind, Body and Soul level. 

Your Journey Home To Your Authentic Self Starts Here.